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_Map class

Utilities that apply to Map.


export declare class _Map 


Property Modifiers Type Description
addToSet static typeof mapAddToSet Used with maps that store sets. Where a set exists for a given key the value will be added to that set, otherwise a new set will be created containing the value.
arrayMap static typeof mapArrayMap Like Array.map but with a Map input. Outputs an Array.
clearingDeleteFromSet static typeof mapClearingDeleteFromSet Used with maps that store sets. Where a set exists for a given key the value will be removed from that set, if it is empty after removal, then the set is deleted.
concat static typeof mapConcat Used with maps that store arrays. Where an array exists for a given key the values will be appended to that array, otherwise a copy of values array will be inserted.
deleteFromSet static typeof mapDeleteFromSet Used with maps that store sets. Where a set exists for a given key the value will be removed from that set.
deleteGet static typeof mapDeleteGet Get the stored value if present, then delete the key.
entriesToArray static typeof mapEntriesToArray Converts a Map into an Array of its key value pairs.
firstKey static typeof mapFirstKey Gets the first inserted key in a Map.
firstValue static typeof mapFirstValue Gets the first inserted value in a Map.
initializeGet static typeof mapInitializeGet Gets the value from a Map for a given key, where the value is undefined or hasn’t been set, the callback’s return will be inserted into the Map and returned.
intersect static typeof mapIntersect <p>Does not check value equality, only key. Takes items from A.</p><p>See mapIntersect().</p>
keysToArray static typeof mapKeysToArray Converts a Map into an Array of its keys.
push static typeof mapPush Used with maps that store arrays. Where an array exists for a given key the value will be appended to that array, otherwise a new array will be created containing the value.
removeManyFromArray static typeof mapRemoveManyFromArray Used with maps that store sets. Where a set exists for a given key the value will be added to that set, otherwise a new set will be created containing the value.
removeOneFromArray static typeof mapRemoveOneFromArray Used with maps that store arrays. Where an array exists for a given key the value will be removed from that array.
reportingAddToSet static typeof mapReportingAddToSet Used with maps that store sets. Where a set exists for a given key the value will be added to that set, otherwise a new set will be created containing the value.
setDifference static typeof mapSetDifference returns items in A not in B.
symmetricDifference static typeof mapSymmetricDifference Returns a map with keys in A not in B, and keys in B not in A.
union static typeof mapUnion Returns a map with keys from both A and B. If both A and B have the same key the value from B will be used.
valuesToArray static typeof mapValuesToArray Converts a Map into an Array of its values.